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St Edward's - A caring Christian Community where children achieve their potential, are confident in themselves and their abilities and are set on a positive path for life. 


Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfill their potential.

EYFS FRamework 2021 

At St Edward's, we understand the importance of children's first year in education. Through positive relationships, enabling environments and an engaging curriculum, we aim to provide our youngest learners with a strong foundation for their school journey. We strive to embed a lifelong love of learning whilst providing them with magical experiences and memories.

EYFS staff work hard to provide an environment where children can develop as learners and feel safe, happy and confident to express themselves. We understand that every child is unique and celebrate the diversity this brings to our Early Years classroom, creating a supportive and inclusive community and helping the children to develop wonderful friendships.

We provide an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum that builds on the pupils’ interests and on-going learning and provide inspirational experiences that reflect the needs of individual children. We aim to offer a range of activities and opportunities, whilst building and embedding the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in Year One and beyond.

We foster strong links with the child’s home and welcome parents’ support in their child’s learning journey. Not only does this ensure that the introduction to school life is smooth and happy, but also enables a team approach when preparing children for each new step in their learning journey, including the step into Key Stage One.

With a nurturing approach, embedded in a deep understanding of the needs of our pupils we aim to provide a chance for St Edward's youngest learners to develop their talents and knowledge so they can flourish and grow.













A Curriculum for Our Pupils


A Curriculum for All Pupils
