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St Edward's - A caring Christian Community where children achieve their potential, are confident in themselves and their abilities and are set on a positive path for life.

At St Edward's, we love being active and we are extremely proud of our Gold School Games Mark.

PE is a subject through which we aim to promote active and healthy lifestyles and provide children with the skills to work with others. Staff value the importance of PE and the subject is given prominence in the timetable.

 At St Edward’s we believe that P.E. allows children to gain an understanding of how to care for their bodies and of the importance of exercise on the body. They develop different physical and personal skills and build upon these throughout life, which also contributes to children’s mental wellbeing.

PE is an integral part of St Edward's - it allows all children in the school to gain a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others.

Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.

John F Kennedy

At St Edward's we aim to provide all children with 2 hours of high-quality PE and an extensive range of extra-curricular activities; many of these leading to local and regional competitions.

• We have a well-developed site which promotes active learning.

• PE and Sport Premium funding is used to employ experts to deliver regular lessons and upskill our teaching staff, enabling us to provide ongoing excellence in PE. These funds have also been used to further develop our school grounds, providing more all-year usable spaces for PE and sport, and purchase additional resources to increase the number of sports within school.

As part of our commitment to make every child active, we provide an extensive and inclusive range of clubs, some of which target less active pupils, reluctant physical learners and children who are pupil premium.

A Curriculum for Our Children

We have identified some core barriers that the children of our might school face when they are accessing the curriculum, and we intend to deliver the P.E. curriculum with an approach that addresses these:

  • Vocabulary – Children are encouraged to use the language of PE through discussions and plenaries. Vocabulary is used progressively and is revisited across sequences of lessons and different year groups.
  • Communication and teamwork skills – our P.E. curriculum lends itself to teamwork. Children participate in a wide variety of team games and learn to take different roles and positions. We emphasise being a good sportsperson and expose them to positive role models. This enables them to develop confidence about their role within a team and how to communicate appropriately and effectively.
  • Resilience – In P.E. children are encouraged to reflect on their work and participation. Children are encouraged to ‘have a go’ at unfamiliar activities and build on those they already know. It allows children to experience failure; winning and losing in a safe environment, scaffolded by the implementation of growth mindset training.

A Curriculum for All Children


Our ambition in PE for children who have SEND is broadly in line with our ambitions for all children. We particularly hope that these children can build resilience, self-esteem and a life-long positive relationship with physical activity.

We understand that PE can be particularly important for children who may struggle with other areas of the curriculum. It can give them a sense of achievement and success. We make sure that PE sessions are protected and avoid withdrawing children for additional support during these lessons. 

Access (How we support children with SEND to achieve in PE)
  • A range of resources are available to the children to ensure they can access the learning (i.e. a range of different sized and weighted balls to develop catching skills).  

  • A curriculum that focuses on developing skills to become life-long learners rather than solely physical adeptness. This removes the pressure of physical ability therefore enabling all children to succeed at their own pace.

  • Opportunities to work in a collaborative way. Working in partners or small groups allows the children to voice their own ideas and opinions, building their confidence, boosting self esteem and developing their social skills. This also enables children to feed back to each other and think critically about their work and performance, setting new targets and aspirations.

  • When modelling peer-evaluation, teachers emphasise the need for empathy. Children with SEND may be supported to give tactful but useful feed back to their peers with consideration for the feelings of others.


In Reception, children have access to the outdoors where they can develop gross motor skills. 

There are two formal PE lessons per week to develop the fundamentals. 

We work hard to help children to develop resilience and teamwork in more competitive situations in preparation for PE later in school.